Friday 22 April 2011

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

My front cover conforms to the conventions of a real magazine, because the layout focuses on the main article with a main image of the artist and title of the artists name stands out across the middle of the page. I used subsidiary images which are conventional for music magazines. I chose to use two subsidiary images to fit the layout of my front cover as it was similar to other magazines I had looked at. I have included different sell lines which give information about the contents to make the magazine more appealing also because this is used a lot on real magazine front covers. My front cover generally conforms to the conventions of real music magazines.

                   The layout of my front cover was altered during the process of making it I originally had the subsidiary images to the bottom left of the cover however in order to add more sell lines in the ‘Plus’ section I moved the pictures and placed the ‘Plus’ sell lines in the bottom left corner as I felt it was more effective and conventional to that of real music magazine front covers.

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