Friday 29 April 2011

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

My contents page follows conventions of a real music magazine contents page. The main image is of the main artist on the front cover and article of my magazine, focussing ‘Jordan Jones’ centrally in all the pages of my magazine. Also it is the same image I used in my article. I included three subsidiary images and situated on the left side of my contents page with their page numbers. This layout attracts the audience to the images, and page numbers of the artists focussed on in the subsidiary images. On the right side of my conetnts page i listed names of artists that would be featured in the rest of my magazine to inform the reader of all the artists included. I alternated colours of yellow and black outlines on the font to make it more conventional as i have seen this done in other music magazine contents pages.
I did not manipulate the subsidiary images on my contents page as I feel the backgrounds are effective. Especially the first image of the artist ‘Dan Johnson’ with the graffiti in the background and the model is sitting down which is an unconventional pose. I used Paint Shop Pro to remove the background of the main image and left it white to fit in with the colour scheme of my magazine. The cover story sell line in a circle and the date of the issue are often used in real magazine contents pages.

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