Friday 22 April 2011

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

The main image covers part of the masthead, I did this because it creates an idea that the magazine is well established because reader already knows the masthead and will then focus straight on the main image, I found this to be very common in real music magazines because it gives more attention to the main article. My main image is of a young male holding a guitar. This image appeals to my target audience because he is an image the typical reader of my magazine. He is dressed casually, plays the guitar, is young and male and this similar to the audience I am targeting. I edited the photo by removing the background because it distracted from the image and I wanted the reader to focus on the main image and not on the background. The subsidiary images have not been manipulated as I the background on the two shot was plain and the second image was effective. Here is an example of KERRANG magazine with the main image covering the masthead.

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