Tuesday 9 November 2010

Front Cover Evaluation

My front cover took me just over 2 hours to do. I like the masthead and the colours black and yellow were the most popular in my questionaire. I am happy with the main image it is clear, represents the main story well and is quite informal. There was no natural light because it was taken inside so i used the flash but i think this creates a good effect. The title 'Battle of the bands' shows clearly the story inside and explains the main image. The slogan 'one school one voice' represents the magazine and the school well and was voted the most popular in my qestionaire. I think the subsiduary images were good because they were voted the most popular on my questionaire. However i didnt spend enough time on the layout and design of the cover so they are not organised very well on the page. Also the titles for these images fit in with the colour scheme, but i havent used the space effectively to make the subsiduary images and titles appealing. If i had more time and knowledge of the the software i would have liked to but a backround colour in and improve the layout of my cover. Overall i am happy with the end product of my school magazine front cover.

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