Sunday 28 November 2010

Unplugged Mission Statement

Unplugged is a magazine focussing on acoustic style and genre of music. It's aimed at teenagers and upwards. Unplugged's readers are intelligent, creative and have a passion for, reading about, listening to, producing and finding new good acoustic music. Unplugged will inspire its readers to create thier own music and open thier eyes to, buy into and look for new bands through reading the magazine.

Reader Profile

  • Gender: 70% male 30% female
  • 60% play guitar and/or sing.
  • 20% have a youtube account and are subscribed to various acoustic artists.
  • Average age: 20
  • Purchase music regularly collect live somgs etc.
  • 80% regularly attend gigs and local music festivals.
  • 98% own a CD Player
  • 22% own an ipod or mp3 player.
  • 95% agree that music is an important part  of thier lives.
  • 30% are students

Saturday 27 November 2010

Music Fan Profile

Acoustic Elitist Sophisticate
Age: 15 upwards
He is: Very knowledgeable about music and guitars. He is wearing ripped jeans, Vans trainers and a his      t-shit with his faveourite slogan on it.
Music: He listens to music at every possible point during the day on his ipod, his faveourite bands/artists consist of Boyce Avenue, Damian Rice and Eric Clapton. He writes his own songs and enjoys doing covers of his faveourite songs. His friends are musical too, and they get together often to play music. He likes music in the charts but prefers to look for less mainstream bands/artists.
Wants to be: He is undecided, still studying in education but his passion is for music.
Find him: Open mic nights in local pubs and at local music festivals.

Tuesday 23 November 2010

Questionaire Results

The most popular masthead from my questionaire was Unplugged. This was one of my favourite mastheads and i have chosen to use it for my magazine. The slogan i have chosen is 'The best for acoustic music' this was not one of my original slogans but i combined two of the most popular fom my questionaire to create it. The most popular colours were; white, black, purple, red and orange i have chosen to use white, black and purple. The subsiduary images that were most popular were other artists and new guitars i will include these on my front cover. For the main image more people voted for a group than a solo artist, however i may feature a solo artist to fit in with the genre of my magazine. People i asked were willing to pay between £1-£2 for a music magazine, the price of my magazine will be based on this at £2. Monthly and Weekly magazines both had equal votes i have decided to produce a monthly magazine so i can include the month on the front cover.

Wednesday 17 November 2010

Music magazine questionaire

Music Magazine Questionnaire

1.What gender are you?

2. How old are you?

3. Which of these mastheads do you prefer?
Pick Up

4. Which of these slogans do you prefer?
Pick it up
Turn it up
Your favourite music, your favourite magazine.
The world of acoustic music
Only the best

5. Which of the following colours do you prefer?

6. Which images would you like to see on the front cover?
Different artists
New albums
New guitars

7. Who would you prefer as the main image?
Solo artist

8. How much would you pay for a music magazine?
£4 or above

9. Which do you prefer?
Monthly magazine
Weekly magazine

10. What on the front cover attracts you to buy a music magazine?

Wednesday 10 November 2010

Magazine covers i like

I like this cover because it shows all of the artist and his guitar but also leaving space for a subsiduary image and sell lines. Also the artists stance is more layed back than those on magazines like Kerrang which are usually more agressive.

I like the masthead on this magazine its clear and is of the same genre as my magazine. I like the competition at the bottom and i hope to include one on my magazine cover.

I like the close up on this artist, the simplicity of the main image and the colour scheme on this cover. I also like the way the artists name is displayed as its bold and eye-catching.

Tuesday 9 November 2010

Front Cover Evaluation

My front cover took me just over 2 hours to do. I like the masthead and the colours black and yellow were the most popular in my questionaire. I am happy with the main image it is clear, represents the main story well and is quite informal. There was no natural light because it was taken inside so i used the flash but i think this creates a good effect. The title 'Battle of the bands' shows clearly the story inside and explains the main image. The slogan 'one school one voice' represents the magazine and the school well and was voted the most popular in my qestionaire. I think the subsiduary images were good because they were voted the most popular on my questionaire. However i didnt spend enough time on the layout and design of the cover so they are not organised very well on the page. Also the titles for these images fit in with the colour scheme, but i havent used the space effectively to make the subsiduary images and titles appealing. If i had more time and knowledge of the the software i would have liked to but a backround colour in and improve the layout of my cover. Overall i am happy with the end product of my school magazine front cover.