Tuesday 12 October 2010

questionaire results

Questionaire Results
Q1. Age: 14-6 -most popular
Q2. Year group: Year 11 -1, Year 12- 9
Q3. Gender: Male- 4, Female- 6
Q4. Favourite magazine: Film- 0, Gossip- 2, Music- 5, Sport- 2, Other- 1 (cars)
Q5. Prefered Masthead: Sixth Form Weekly- 3, KHSays- 2, Henry's Voice- 0, King Gossip- 5
Q6. Price: 50p-£1- 9, £1-£2- 1, Above £2- 0
Q7. Stories Covered: Clubs and Activities- 7, New Staffroom- 2, Sport Success- 4, Uniform- 2, Healthy food in the canteen- 2, Exam Success- 5, Drug and health problems- 3, School trips- 7, Music- 7
Q8. Images: School band success- 3, Sixth form students- 5, Teachers- 1, Uniform- 1, Exam success- 0, School trips- 3, School teams- 0.
Q9. Colours associated with King Henry: Yellow- 2, Blue- 6. Black- 6, White- 0.

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