Tuesday 12 October 2010

Questionaire Results Evaluation

From the results I collected my target audience is between 14-16 years old aimed at sixth formers both male and female. The most popular magazines were gossip, sport and music so these will feature on my front cover. The most popular mastheads were Sixth Form Weekly and King gossip, I have chosen to use King Gossip as it fits in with one of the most popular magazine types chosen, also it recieved the most votes. The price of my magazine will be between 50p-£1 as that was the most popular choice from the people I asked. The most popular stories to include on my front cover were clubs and activities, sport success and music. The chosen images for my front cover were sixth form students, school bands and school trips. When choosing the colour scheme the most popular colous were yellow, blue and black.

1 comment:

  1. You have analysed the results of your questionnaire successfully, Frankie.I like the masthead "King Gossip" but you also need to think of a suitable strapline or sell line, which isn't commented on in your evaluation.

    You now need to create the rough draft of your front cover and post it on your blog.

    Keep up the good work, Frankie.
